Animals come into our lives as gifts from God, for companionship, to teach us, and to heal us. They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them.

"Love goes the extra mile and gives itself away"
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" -- Will Rogers


our sweet ball crazy boy

Monday, January 25, 2010

Making Tracks to Defeat Canine Epilepsy

Please Mark your Calendars: PURPLE DAY is March 26, 2010

Please wear purple on March 26th!

To support Epilepsy Awareness Globally for canines and humans!

Same Disease Different Species

Toby's Foundation is partnering with

Can you and your dog help by wearing purple on March
26th to increase epilepsy awareness for canines and humans and show
your support for this worldwide initiative?

We are representing canine epilepsy in this effort
though we want to show our support for both humans and canines affected
by this disease.

Wearing something purple is a simple way for you to
reach out and help so please wear purple on March 26, 2010. Purple is
the international color for Epilepsy!

For more info please visit us at
and click on Purple Day.

Many people do not realize that dogs suffer from this
At the American Epilepsy Society conference Dr. Ned Patterson
tells people "Same Disease Different Species"
By joining together we can help increase epilepsy awareness worldwide for
people and their pets with epilepsy.

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