Animals come into our lives as gifts from God, for companionship, to teach us, and to heal us. They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them.

"Love goes the extra mile and gives itself away"
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" -- Will Rogers


our sweet ball crazy boy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 7, 2010 back to neurologist for 2 blood draws

On January 7th Brady and I went to Yorktown for another visit with Dr. Katherman. I was very happy to report to her that Brady had not had any further seizure activity and that after about 2 weeks of being on the Zonisamide we were beginning to see improvement with the ataxia. There was still some slight uncoordination from time to time but nothing compared to the way it was. He was there to have a Zonisamide peak and trough blood draw. A blood sample was taken at 10am and another one was taken at 12 noon.

Peak and trough are methods used to establish the effectiveness of a drug. Peak is drawing the serum blood levels after the drug is administered as it distributes rapidly and reaches its peak in therapeutic range.
Trough is drawing the serum blood levels right before the next dose. Trough is the lowest drug level that is needed to reach therapeutic range. If trough is > than normal, the patient is at risk for adverse effects. Therefore, the doctor should expand the time interval before ordering the next dose or decrease drug dose.

In general, a trough is usually drawn one hour prior to start infusion and the peak about one hour after the infusion finished.

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