Animals come into our lives as gifts from God, for companionship, to teach us, and to heal us. They deserve our very best efforts in caring for them.

"Love goes the extra mile and gives itself away"
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" -- Will Rogers


our sweet ball crazy boy

Saturday, January 16, 2010

No news is good news.....

We still haven't received the results of Brady's blood work that was done on January 7th to see if the new drug, Zonisamide, has reached stable serum levels. I was told that they would probably be in on Tuesday, January 12th, however they were not. I've called the neurologist's office 3 days in a row because I am on pins and needles waiting. Brady is doing well but I am still anxious. The friendly receptionist, Lori, assured me that Dr. Katherman will call me as soon as the results are in and that if they are not in by Monday, they will be calling the laboratory to find out what is going on. So I am trying to chill out and not to worry.

In God is our trust. Everything that God does is worthy of our trust, and in His hands, we willingly place our life. Reminding myself of this helps in times of worry and fear, restoring peace and calmness. Whenever things get stressful, whatever the circumstances may be,
that statement is one that is constantly true and uplifting.

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